What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolical disease which affects the body's ability to produce any or enough insulin, causing elevated glucose levels in the blood. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is typically genetic, where you usually only get it if you are born with it, type 1 diabetics cannot produce any insulin, leading to excessive amounts of glucose in the bloodstream, which can slowly erode blood vessel walls, causing blindness, kidney failure, stroke, and heart disease. The immune system of a type one diabetic mistakes Type two diabetes can develop at any age, type two diabetics's cells often reject certain insulin hormones, causing the process of absorbing glucose tedious, this is called Insulin Resistance. As type two diabetes progresses the pancreas may start making less and less insulin, this is called insulin deficiency. If you are reading this guide you have type two diabetes.